
Cost your recipes for profit and style your food shots for more tourism guests to enjoy and know your product.

👋 Casstronomy has been recommended by
Sharwood from
on 26/07/2024

Casstronomy helps Tourism Food businesses rise to the top by providing professional menu costing package, professional F&B styling and photography as well as business support.

Professional Menu costing packages.

Are your food and beverage products costed and priced correctly 🤔. Ensure all your hard work converts into tourism.holidays for you by knowing your profit on each item and learn how to tweak offerings for greater returns whilst maintaining quality and value in today’s marketplace.

Professional food and beverage styling and photography packages.

Improve the visual appeal of food for social media giving your business the front foot. Customers eat with their eyes first. Professionally styling your food and beverage offerings for maximum appeal.

Listing last updated on July 26, 2024
Tourism Tribe contact: Cassandra
Phone: 0403484775
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