What is the Tourism Expert Directory?

We (Tourism Tribe) often get asked for supplier recommendations. So we’ve created this directory to help the tourism industry quickly find recommended professionals.

The Tourism Tribe Expert Directory is a free, global platform designed to connect tourism businesses with trusted professionals and solution providers. It serves as a comprehensive resource for the tourism industry, allowing operators to find recommended experts who can help enhance their business operations and strategies.

Each supplier listed has been recommended by industry operators and has committed to a pledge that ensures high standards of service, accountability, and sustainability. This pledge includes delivering exceptional service, prioritising customer satisfaction, maintaining integrity, and promoting sustainable practices.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, enabling tourism businesses to easily browse listings, get introduced to suppliers, and even recommend professionals they’ve had positive experiences with. 

This peer-to-peer recommendation system ensures that the listed experts are trusted and valued by their peers in the industry.

Liz (left) and Fabienne (right) are the founders of Tourism Tribe and came up with the idea of the Tourism Expert Directory.

How much does it cost to get listed?

Getting listed is free.

How are the suppliers selected?

Suppliers need to be recommended by a tourism operator. 

Contact us

If you wish to recommend a supplier or apply to be listed click the get listed menu. If you wish to contact us please email directory@tourismtribe.com

The Pledge

All the suppliers listed in this directory have taken the below pledge.

  • As a professional service provider committed to the success and sustainability of the tourism industry, I/we pledge to uphold the highest standards of service and accountability. By signing this pledge, I/we promise to:
  • Deliver Excellence in Service:
    • Provide exceptional and reliable service to all clients in the tourism industry.
    • Respond promptly to client inquiries and address their needs with professionalism and courtesy.
  • Commit to Customer Satisfaction:
    • Prioritise the satisfaction of clients by delivering solutions that meet or exceed their expectations.
    • Seek regular feedback and continuously improve our services based on client input.
  • Ensure Accountability:
    • Take full responsibility for the outcomes of our work and strive for transparency in all business dealings.
    • Address any issues or concerns raised by clients promptly and effectively.
  • Maintain Integrity and Honesty:
    • Conduct all business transactions with integrity, honesty, and fairness.
    • Provide clear, accurate, and honest information about our services and pricing.
  • Promote Sustainability:
    • Support and promote sustainable practices within the tourism industry.
    • Encourage and assist clients in adopting environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices.
  • Respect Confidentiality:
    • Safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of all client information.
    • Ensure that any data shared with us is protected and used responsibly.
  • Stay Informed and Educated:
    • Keep abreast of industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements.
    • Invest in continuous professional development to enhance our skills and knowledge.
  • Support Industry Growth:
    • Contribute to the growth and development of the tourism industry through active participation and collaboration.
    • Share insights and knowledge that can benefit the broader tourism community.
  • Adhere to Legal and Ethical Standards:
    • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
    • Uphold the ethical standards of our profession and the tourism industry.

By committing to this pledge, I/we affirm our dedication to supporting the tourism industry with the highest level of service and professionalism.

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